Steven Reigns, President

Steven Reigns has been a deep reader of Anaïs Nin’s work for 35 years and organized three of the largest Nin-related events in the past decade.  He is a poet and was appointed the first Poet Laureate of West Hollywood. Alongside over a dozen chapbooks, he has published the collections Inheritance and Your Dead Body is My Welcome Mat. Reigns holds a BA in Creative Writing, a Master of Clinical Psychology, and is a sixteen-time recipient of The Los Angeles County’s Department of Cultural Affairs’ Artist in Residency Grant. He edited My Life is Poetry, showcasing his students’ work from the first-ever autobiographical poetry workshop for LGBT seniors. Reigns has lectured and taught writing workshops around the country to LGBT youth and people living with HIV. Currently he is touring The Gay Rub, an exhibition of rubbings from LGBT landmarks. His newest collection A Quilt for David was published by City Lights and is the product of over ten years of research regarding dentist David Acer’s life. 

Tree Wright, secretary

Tree Wright has worked in the entertainment industry for over 30 years, ranging from touring with the Grateful Dead and other bands, to being associate producer of an Oscar-nominated documentary and a multi-season producer of the hit TV show Ancient Aliens. In between she produced conferences for the ecological non-profit Planetwork and released the album If I Showed You as a singer-songwriter. In 2007, Tree married the nephew of Rupert Pole, Anais Nin’s long-time companion and literary executor, and began archiving Anais’s books, photos and other materials, In 2012, Tree became the literary agent for the Anais Nin Trust, managing Anais Nin’s publishing and licensing rights worldwide. In 2018, Tree became the Secretary of the Anais Nin Foundation. Ms. Wright holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from Belmont University in Nashville, TN.


Colby Devitt founded and helms Catch the Sun, a social media & digital marketing firm helping creative artists advance their careers by expanding their digital and storytelling capabilities and growing their online ecosystems. Her clients have won numerous prizes and accolades. In addition to serving on the board of the Anais Nin Foundation, Colby is a member of the Board of Directors of the LA River Arts, and a member of the Executive Committee of the West Angeles Chapter of the Sierra Club. She is also an advisor to Multispecies Media, which focuses on human-wildlife relations in urban areas. Educated at Barnard College, Columbia University (BA) and Harvard University (MA), she has lectured on using social media for social good at USC Annenberg, NY Academy of Film, and Harvard.